Radio Group
Allow users to select a single choice from a list
Value: zuko
<script lang="ts">
import { RadioGroup, RadioGroupItem } from 'lithesome';
import { cn } from '$site/index.js';
const options = [
{ value: 'aang', label: 'Avatar Aang' },
{ value: 'zuko', label: 'Firelord Zuko' },
{ value: 'toph', label: 'Greatest Earthbender Alive' }
let value = $state('zuko');
<RadioGroup bind:value class="flex w-[70%] flex-col gap-2">
{#each options as { value, label }}
class={({ checked }) =>
'flex w-full items-center gap-4 rounded-md border p-4 backdrop-blur',
'border-neutral-300 bg-white dark:border-neutral-700 dark:bg-neutral-900',
checked ? 'bg-black text-white dark:bg-white dark:text-black' : ''
{#snippet children({ checked })}
'flex h-6 w-6 items-center justify-center rounded-full border-2',
checked ? 'border-white dark:border-black' : 'border-black dark:border-white'
{#if checked}
<div class="h-3 w-3 rounded-full bg-white dark:bg-black"></div>
<span class="pointer-events-none absolute bottom-2 right-2 select-none text-xs opacity-40">Value: {value}</span>
API Reference
Prop | Type | Description |
value * | JsonValue Default: —— | The selected value of radiogroup. |
required | boolean Default: false | Adds the aria-required attribute. |
use | Array Default: [] | Any svelte action to be applied to the underlying element. View use api for more info. |
self | HTMLDivElement Default: —— | The underlying html element that you can use to bind to. |
Data attribute | Value | Description |
data-radiogroup | '' | The base data attribute, can be used for styling. |
This component is a child of RadioGroup
Prop | Type | Description |
value * | JsonValue Default: —— | The value of item. |
disabled | boolean Default: false | Disables the item, disallowing clicking and keyboard navigation. |
Data attribute | Value | Description |
data-radiogroupitem | '' | The base data attribute, can be used for styling. |
Basic Example
import { RadioGroup, RadioGroupItem } from 'lithesome';
let value = $state('dark');
<RadioGroupItem value="light">Light mode</RadioGroupItem>
<RadioGroupItem value="dark">Dark mode</RadioGroupItem>